With the weather getting warmer, the rockers and music lovers can’t wait free their rock n roll souls in no time.
Taiwan is the center of Chinese rock music where is has great influence in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. No need to say that some of the greatest rock singers are born in Taiwan. With such a strong rocking atmosphere, Taiwan has its own three major music festivals that celebrate rock and roll spirit.
Beer, Bikini, and lots and lots of Great Music
The rock festival relay starts with ‘Spring Scream’ in April, Ken-Ting. Ken-Ting is at the southern tip of Taiwan and it’s a world known tropical surfing paradise. It is also known for its ‘spring all the year round’ weather which has attracted millions and millions foreign tourist to visit this former fishing village. ‘Spring Scream’ is the oldest music festival which was founded by two foreigners who loves music and Taiwan also. Now with its 13-year-old history, this 3-day festival continues to thrive and rock the southern Taiwan.
‘Ho-Hai-Yan’ keeps up in the second sequence of this rock n roll relay. Also located in a fishing village, ‘Ho-Hai-Yan’ has turned this peaceful small town ‘Fu-Long’ into a popular site for music lovers. ‘Ho-Hai-Yan’ music festival starts at the beginning of summer vacation when all the students are ready to rock their heads off. Hot girls and boys wearing bikinis and drinking beers, they all gather around the beach to watch their favorite bands performing on stages. ‘Ho-Hai-Yan’ is definitely enjoyed by people who love music and summer beach flavor.
The last one to the finish line in this relay is the ‘Formorz Festival.’ It has the biggest production of all three which it invites some of the world most famous rock bands and it has a social movement film festival attached to it. Unlike ‘Spring Scream’ and ‘Ho-Hai-Yan,’ ‘Formorz Festival’ is held in a children’s amusement park in capital city Taipei at the end of July. It is the most internationalized festival where performers all over the world rock with local artists and trigger fire sparks together.
No matter who you are or where you are from, you don’t even have to be a rocker, Taiwan welcomes everyone to savor its unique music festivals!
回覆刪除Reviewer- Doris
Editor-Amanda Cherry
Organizer- Apple
We confused the difference of three music events. The writer should specify their features individually. In addition, some wrong spellings and grammars should be corrected. By the way, the title is very great! That’s it!
[7:11] Amandast Dezno: who's first
[7:11] Fiona Galaxy: memememe
[7:12] Makong Broono: i'm organizer
[7:12] Fiona Galaxy: shit i found so many wrong spelling
[7:12] Fiona Galaxy: XD
[7:13] Makong Broono: no mind cherry will pick them up
[7:13] Dori Yuhara: where is has great influence in Mainland Chin
[7:13] Amandast Dezno: you got that right
[7:13] Dori Yuhara: grammar
[7:13] Amandast Dezno: can’t wait free their rock n roll souls in no time.
[7:13] Fiona Galaxy: HAHAH I FOUND THAT ONE
[7:14] Fiona Galaxy: I FORGOT "TO"
[7:14] Dori Yuhara: am i reviwer?
[7:14] Dori Yuhara: i forgot what role i had played
[7:17] Cherry1213 Lemon: by two foreigners who "love" music
[7:17] Fiona Galaxy: OK
[7:17] Amandast Dezno: what is Ho-Hai-Yan’
[7:17] Fiona Galaxy: 海洋音樂祭
[7:17] Fiona Galaxy: 第三個視野台
[7:19] Dori Yuhara: some of the world most famous rock bands
[7:19] Dori Yuhara: "world's"
[7:19] Fiona Galaxy: THANKS
[7:15] Fiona Galaxy: anything suggestion on content?
[7:16] Dori Yuhara: i dont see much diferences among them
[7:16] Dori Yuhara: differences
[7:16] Dori Yuhara: i mean the three festivals
[7:16] Fiona Galaxy: oh u mean i have to more specify them?
[7:17] Dori Yuhara: i think so
[7:17] Fiona Galaxy: ok
[7:17] Dori Yuhara: does each one have their own features
[7:17] Dori Yuhara: things like that
[7:18] Fiona Galaxy: it's kinda complecated to tell
[7:18] Fiona Galaxy: i will try
[7:19] Dori Yuhara: so what about other people
[7:19] Fiona Galaxy: ?
[7:19] Dori Yuhara: do u guys have any suggestions?
[7:20] Amandast Dezno: was the photo taken by u
[7:20] Cherry1213 Lemon: it's nice to have small subtitle
[7:20] Fiona Galaxy: no
[7:20] Amandast Dezno: it looks fascinating
[7:20] Fiona Galaxy: so i have to say where id come from right?
[7:21] Amandast Dezno: that would e better
[7:22] Fiona Galaxy: ok
[7:22] Fiona Galaxy: so anything else?
[7:22] Cherry1213 Lemon: yes that will be some copyright problems
[7:22] Makong Broono: maybe you can offer the resource
[7:22] Fiona Galaxy: ok
[7:22] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[7:22] Connected
[7:23] Dori Yuhara: my pictures are from the internet = =
[7:23] Makong Broono: me too
[7:23] Fiona Galaxy: me too
[7:23] Dori Yuhara: kinda troublesome
[7:23] Fiona Galaxy: hahhah
[7:23] Dori Yuhara: u can shorten you title
[7:23] Fiona Galaxy: ok
[7:24] Makong Broono: but i will take a shot by myself
[7:24] Fiona Galaxy: ok
[7:24] Amandast Dezno: will you
[7:24] Fiona Galaxy: so are we done with mine or?
[7:24] Amandast Dezno: hmm
[7:24] Cherry1213 Lemon: i think so
[7:24] Dori Yuhara: i think so
[7:24] Amandast Dezno: i think so